As Seen in

What you’ll learn


Craft Robust Shiny Apps

Create personalized and beautiful Shiny applications to address complex data challenges in sports analytics.


Optimize App Performance

Learn how to optimize your Shiny app so your users can get their data insights in a fast and efficient manner.


Elevate User Engagement

Construct and deploy interactive applications that engage users, convey a strong message and are able to expedite data-driven decision making processes.


Stay Ahead of the Curve

Acquire fresh insights into application development, and learn about the latest tools and techniques in Shiny.


Start your software development journey with ProductioniZing Shiny Apps

The most complete course to master all aspects of Shiny. Enroll today to unlock our extensive
course materials and start building your first web application...


what they say

If you have a question about Shiny, Veerle is the person to turn to. She’s very knowledgeable and she explains things in a simple, clear and engaging way. I really liked working with her!

A. sekulovic, phd

Specialist Formulation & Process Development

Veerle's workshop on R Shiny development was exceptional. Her meticulous preparation, tailored content, and hands-on approach makes it effective and stand out from other course offerings in the sector. ... I wholeheartedly recommend her coaching to anyone working with R-Shiny web apps.

Hector Chavez

Data Scientist

are you tired of...


Data Chaos and Boring Analyses

Are you exhausted from navigating through Excel sheets, looking at boring tables and graphs, not being able to customize your analysis and waiting for tools that allow deep interaction and customization?


Creating Tools That End Up On the Shelf??

Do you find yourself building tools that rarely get looked at, are unable to bring your data to life and are you looking for a way to build tools that captivate your audience and become the go-to solution for data insights?


Not Being Able to Bring Your Data Products to Your Audience?

Are you dreaming of showing your data products to your team, company, stakeholders and perhaps the world, but don’t know where to start? It’s time to build and deploy the perfect app with ProductioniZing Shiny Apps!


Productionize Your Data Analysis Workflow

Harness the potential of web applications and share your results in an engaging way

(For Your Advantage)


Productionize Your Data Analysis Approach

Regardless of your field—be it sports analytics, finance, marketing, engineering, or any other sector—whether you're analyzing player stats, financial data, market trends, or customer behavior, ProductioniZing Shiny Apps equips you with the skills to construct tailored data analysis solutions. Empower yourself to enhance efficiency, foster creativity, and derive enjoyment from your work like never before.

Start your software development journey with ProductioniZing Shiny Apps

The most complete course to master all aspects of Shiny. . Enroll today to unlock our extensive
course materials and start building your first web application...

meet your data science coach

Veerle van Leemput


numbers don’t have to be boring !
my weapon of choice: Shiny applications.

You can definitely call me a Shiny enthusiast, and I hope I can make you just as excited about Shiny as I am. Ever since I graduated as a Data Scientist back in 2016, I am obsessed with software development. I always liked building something tangible. Something that people can use every day to make their work just a bit easier. An application holds the power to truly turn data and analysis into insights. Numbers don’t have to be boring! My weapon of choice: Shiny applications.

After working for a couple of years as a Data Scientist in various industries, I felt it was time to bring my vision to life: helping others to leverage the potential of Shiny to build amazing applications that help to convey a message. I established Hypebright in 2019 and since then I focus on providing training, workshops and consultancy related to R and Shiny.

I’m a true believer of learning by doing, but I also don’t feel like developing “Hello, World!” applications is something that will stick. Building simple demo apps never really worked for me. The learning starts when you’re building something real, something that has a story. It needs to be exciting and it should translate to your own work.

I developed the courses with exactly that in mind. I want you to build something useful, and I want you to be involved in that process. It’s not about showing you how I develop an application or a Shiny package. It’s not about me at all, it’s about you! I want you to become a co-developer. And by the end of a course, I want you to proudly say, ‘I developed my first Shiny app or package!’

So join me on our Shiny adventure and let’s build something amazing together!

Veerle managed to answer all of our questions well and she also gave extra structure with the order of the lessons. There are a lot of companies that provide basic R courses, but there were not many places we could turn to for those specific follow-up questions. Veerle provided the right guidance right away!”

Hector Chavez

Data Scientist

What you’ll learn

In this course, you'll learn how to:

Mastering the Fundamentals

  • Dive into the foundational principles of building Shiny apps with R, understanding the essential considerations for creating production-grade applications.

  • Learn the structure of Shiny apps, including UI design, server logic, and basic reactivity principles, laying the groundwork for advanced dashboard development.

Optimize App Performance

  • Apply advanced techniques to optimize app performance, reduce waiting times and improve user satisfaction. Learn all about caching, async programming, and lazy loading to make sure your app is equipped to work efficiently with large volumes of data..

  • Get a deep understanding of Shiny session management and scoping, allowing you to make data available in an efficient and scalable manner.

Designing Engaging User Experiences

  • Explore advanced UI packages and dynamic layout techniques to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your Shiny apps, creating visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces.

  • Apply principles of UX and UI design to craft seamless navigation structures and visually appealing interfaces that enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Ensuring Maintainability and Security

  • Implement best practices for app code structure, documentation, and version control to streamline development and collaboration while ensuring code quality and maintainability.

  • Enhance app security through managing secrets, connecting with databases securely, and monitoring data access and usage to protect sensitive information.

Testing, Deployment, and Scaling

  • Learn testing methodologies for Shiny apps to ensure app reliability and functionality, including unit testing and end-to-end testing.

  • Explore various deployment options for Shiny apps, such as, Shiny Server, and Heroku, to share your apps with a global audience and accommodate growing user demand.

  • Understand scalability metrics and strategies for scaling and load balancing your Shiny apps to optimize performance and deliver a seamless user experience.

Join the ProductioniZing Shiny Apps Course

Are you ready to revolutionize your data analysis workflow and unlock new possibilities with interactive dashboards?
Enroll in the ProductioniZing Shiny Apps course today and take your data visualization skills to the next level!

Course Overview

1. Introduction to the Course

Welcome and Course Overview

Recap of the eZ-Made Dashboards course

Prerequisites and setting up your environment

2. What is Production?

Understanding Production in Software Development

Considerations for a Production-Grade Shiny App

3. Building Your Foundation - A Simple Shiny App

The Shiny App Structure

Building the User Interface (UI)

The Server Logic

Data, Functions and Constants: Basic Scoping Rules

Basic Reactivity

Using Events

4. Debugging Your Shiny App

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Debugging Strategies

5. Working with Data

Case Study - Olympics Data

Tabular Data

Interactive Graphics

Input Validation

Handling File Uploads and Downloads

6. Level-up Your UI

Page Layout and Introduction to Bootstrap

UI packages: bslib

UI packages: bs4Dash

UI packages: shiny.semantic

Better Input Widgets

Creating Dynamic UI Elements

7. Advanced Reactivity

Understanding the Reactive Graph

Observers, Outputs and Reactive Values

Controlling and Stopping Reactivity

8. Shiny Modules

Introduction to Shiny Modules

Building Your First Module

Re-using Modules Throughout Your App

Communication Between Modules (Sharing Data and State)

9. Crafting a Seamless User Experience (UX)

Understanding UX and UI

Designing and Prototyping

UX Design Principles

UI Design Patterns

10. HTML and CSS for Shiny Apps

Basics of HTML

Basics of (S)CSS

Using CSS: Finding Elements and Classes

Using CSS: Styling of UI Components

Using CSS: Transitions and Animations

Using CSS: Responsiveness

CSS best practices

11. JavaScript

Why do we need JavaScript?

Add Javascript to your Shiny App with shinyjs

Write Custom JavaScript Code

12. Best Practices in Shiny App Development

Structuring App Code


Dependency Management

Version Control and Collaboration

13. Taking a Framework approach: Golem

Introduction to Golem

Transforming your Shiny App to a Golem Shiny App

Pros and Cons of Using Golem

14. Streamlining with Rhino: Another Framework

Introduction to Rhino

Transforming your Shiny app to Rhino Shiny App

Pros and cons using Rhino

15. Advanced Techniques to Optimize Your Shiny App

Performance, Profiling and Benchmarking


A Gentle Introduction to Async Programming

Tips For Efficient Code

16. Security and Monitoring

Managing Secrets

Connecting with Databases

Data Security

Monitoring and Auditing

17. Testing

Introduction to Testing

Unit Testing with test that

End-to-end testing with shinytest2

18. Deployment

Deployment Readiness

Choosing the Right Deployment Option

Shiny Server

Posit Connect



Serverless deployment with Shinylive

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Automatic Deployment of the Olympic Games App to

19. Scaling Your App for Your Audience

Understanding Scalability Metrics: Sessions, Connections & Load Factor

Strategies for Scaling and Load Balancing

20. Course Recap and Next Steps

Course Summary

What's Next? A Peek into Outstanding InterfaceZ in Shiny

21. Bonus Material

Additional Resources and Readings

A Practical Example with renv: updating bslib

Using Auth0


Shiny App Development Fundamentals Modules

Introduction to Shiny Apps

  • Gain an understanding of the basics of Shiny apps and their significance in data visualization and analysis.

Building Your First Shiny App

  • Dive into creating your inaugural Shiny app, incorporating user interfaces, server logic, and data visualization elements.

Layout Design and Customization

  • Explore various layout options and customization techniques to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your Shiny apps.

Implementing Interactivity

  • Implement interactive features and widgets to enhance user engagement and exploration within your Shiny apps.


Advanced Shiny App Development Modules

Navigation and User Experience

  • Design intuitive navigation systems and optimize user experience to guide users seamlessly through your Shiny apps.

Data Inputs and Controls

  • Incorporate interactive elements such as sliders, dropdowns, and checkboxes to empower users to manipulate data inputs.

Advanced Visualization Techniques

  • Explore advanced visualization methods such as interactive plots, 3D visualizations, and hierarchical clustering.

Custom Styling and Theming

  • Customize the appearance of your Shiny apps using CSS and pre-designed themes to align with your branding or preferences.

Code Organization and Reusability

  • Organize your Shiny app code efficiently and create modular components for improved maintainability and reusability.

Deployment Strategies

  • Learn how to deploy your Shiny apps locally or on cloud platforms like for seamless sharing and accessibility…. and more! 


Discover Our Platform Through a Guided Demo Experience! Watch the Demo Video.

How We Conduct Our Course

At AthlyticZ, we've designed our course structure to empower your learning journey at your
own pace, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.

Prerecorded Video Lessons

Delve into our comprehensive course content with prerecorded video lessons, allowing you to learn at your convenience and revisit concepts as needed.

Assignments and Exercises

Engage with assignments and exercises that reinforce your understanding of key concepts and help you build practical skills.

Continuous Assessment

Benefit from quizzes and assessments integrated throughout the course, providing you with ongoing feedback on your progress and understanding.

Hands-On Projects

Apply your knowledge to real-world projects, including both minor and major assignments, where you'll develop web-based design applications using the skills you've acquired.

Supplementary Resources

Access a wealth of supplementary resources such as readings, downloadable slides, and personalized tutorials tailored to your interests, enriching your learning experience.

Interactive Features

Utilize interactive features within each lesson, including note-taking capabilities and custom-built IDEs with preloaded code, ensuring an immersive and engaging learning environment.

Embark on your data science journey with AthlyticZ and unlock the full potential of sports analytics in a
dynamic and supportive learning environment.

ProductioniZing Shiny Apps

Course Information

  • 80+ Lessons of engaging content

  • Asynchronous, self-paced learning

  • Pre-recorded video lessons for flexible scheduling

  • Interactive Features: 25+ Quizzes throughout the course to reinforce learning

  • Supplementary Resources: Access to downloadable slides, readings, and additional materials (100+ Files)

  • Hands-On Learning: Co-develop a production-grade Shiny application build on top of Olympic Games datas

  • Virtual Machines: Immerse yourself in our customized IDE solutions for real world programming experience. (100+ R Scripts)

$899 usd

$799 usd

What Industry Experts are saying About Athlyticz

Discover what industry experts have to say about their review of AthlyticZ:

"Here's your chance to learn future sports data gurus!"

"AthlyticZ has completely transformed the learning approach to data science through the use of sports-based problems. The course structure is intuitive, the content is comprehensive, the instructors are the best of the best, and the practical projects have immediate impact to students."

Bill Geivett M.Ed.

President @ IMA Team

Author: Do you want to work in Baseball?

Sr. VP: Colorado Rockies 2001-2014

Asst. GM: Los angeles Dodgers 1998-2000

"Empowering and Engaging"

"I've always been intrigued by the intersection of sports analytics and data science. AthlyticZ provides students with the perfect platform to explore this passion. The hands-on projects are particularly empowering, allowing them to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios."

Brad Smith PhD

Senior Performance Analyst @ University of Nebraska

Sports analytics professor, Data Science Program @ Northwestern

Player Development Analyst @ New york yankees 2018-2021

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Designed With ❤️ By Jackson Yew

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